About Us
Established in 1990, FGCB exists to inspire youth from low-income and first-generation families to achieve social and economic success by providing advice, encouragement, and support in obtaining a college degree.
FGCB is a community-based organization that addresses the need for outside-of-school college access support to increase the number of low-income students who graduate from high school, are accepted to, matriculate, and are prepared for college, enrolled in quality institutions, and matriculate in four years.
Across our two programs – College Access and Homework Club, services are designed to help students complete homework, reinforce classroom learning, improve grades, improve attendance and attitude, learn about college and career options, get assistance with the college-bound process, including financial aid, matriculate to college without complication and remain in college until they earn a degree. The College Success program for high school juniors and seniors focuses on identifying the best fit and affordable colleges based on the student's academic profiles and their family’s financial profiles.
Our partners invest in sustaining the long-term goals of the program, such as developing a highly educated workforce to support economic growth and higher quality of life in the County.
FGCB has partnerships with the following entities:
- Prince George’s County Public Schools
- Olive Branch Community Church
- Prince George’s County Department of Housing and Community Development
- The Maryland Higher Education Commission
- Department of Social Services
FGCB graduates have attended some of the nation's most prestigious institutions of higher learning and over 20% of our college graduates have also attended graduate school.