Central High

Capitol Heights, MD 20743
FGCB offers its College Access Program for 12th graders at nine sites in Prince George's County, Maryland: Central and Fairmont Heights high schools in Capitol Heights, Laurel High School in Laurel, Parkdale High School in Riverdale, Bladensburg High School and International High School @ Langley Park in Bladensburg, High Point High School in Beltsville, and Potomac High School in Oxon Hill. Students from other high schools also may participate if space in the program is available. Enrollment at each site is limited to 30 students per grade level.
Each student enrolled in the program works with the program manager and a case manager. Each site holds monthly workshops for students and their parents or guardians on topics such as the college admissions process, financial aid process, filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and what student support services will be available at colleges.
After students receive college acceptances, FGCB furnishes matriculation support, working with families to ensure all necessary forms are sent in and all financial requirements met for the chosen college so that students can begin classes in the fall without complications.
To be eligible, students must maintain a 2.0 grade point average, and their parents or guardians must attend a Parent/Guardian Commitment Workshop. Students who join the program must pay a $25 registration fee.
Because of limited space in the program, enrollment preference is given to students whose parents have not obtained a bachelor's degree; students from families of low to moderate income; and students not living with parents (who are in guardian, foster-care or other such situations).
Retention Program
FGCB continues to stay in contact with its participants and their families during the students college tenures. FGCB alumni stay in touch to check on academic progress, remind students and families about continuing requirements such as filing the annual FAFSA form, and generally offering encouragement and support. Students also receive care packages from FGCB.